Friday, July 24, 2009

Playing the BIG stage !

Austin's baseball team got th opportunity to play at the Florence Freedom minor league baseball park in Florence Kentucky. It was a pretty cool experience.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

3rd grade Zoo overnight !

What an incredible class I had this year. I couldn't have asked for a better class for my first year of teaching 3rd grade !! They were amazing ! I have tons of pictures of my little darlings that I'd love to post, but will settle on a couple that I took from this years Zoo overnight ! It was such a great experience. The kids loved it and so did I.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring versus Winter

I was thinking the other day about the stark contrast between the seasons here in Ohio. And it got me thinking about the seasons of life...I know, I know, I'm getting philosophical now that I'm in my 40's. Hear me out.... Spring time- time for new life, Summer- youthfulness, Autumn- Adulthood- Winter- Senior citizens and ultimately the end our our cycle of life.

When you're young the season of Winter seems so distant, sometimes not even comprehensible. In your teens and early twenties you're so busy with enjoying your "Summer" life you don't think much about the end of your life. Autumn you try to do everything you failed to do in Spring and Summer to prepare for Winter...not to mention you try to stage of the signs of Winter- in other words- "aging"...( wrinkle creams, exercises, and eating healthy). Then when winter comes it can either be a pleasant experience or a painful one. The way you handle your winter says a lot about the how the person lived their Spring, Summers and Autumn. My mother-in-law lived her Winter, despite her Alzheimer's, with dignity, kindness and grace. Just like she lived her life ! Some people, like my dad, never got to see their Winter. His journey of life ended during his Autumn. Was it a blessing in disguise that he didn't have to endure a terrible Winter? I'm not sure.

I've been spending a lot of time with my grandparents (ages 89 and 93 ) in the nursing home. Since I last blogged about them in December, there has been such a decline in their health. Seeing them slowly worsen is a reminder of just how fragile our earthly bodies are. Grandma and Grandpa now need a lot more nursing care. Grandma fell not long ago and it's hard for her to walk on her own. Grandpa's Alzheimers has gotten much worse. I try to see them at least once or twice a week. Some visits are better than others, but after each visit I can't help but take my mind back to my childhood memories of a much different picture of my grandparents. A picture of vibrance and business not silence and loneliness. A time of laughter and silliness not negativity and confusion. I pray each time I leave them that God will grant them peace and clarity during this stage in their lives.

I remember seeing a bumper stickers years ago that said "Growing older isn't for sissies". I totally understand that saying now. Our bodies eventually are going to give out and it ain't pretty. This "house" for our soul isn't built to live on earth but for just a blip on the radar screen of life. Thank God it's our heavenly body that will withstand eternity in heaven with Him.

I love my grandparents so very much and even though when I see them in the state they are in it brings me sadness, it's knowing that I will see them again in their glorified bodies that brings me so much hope and happiness. Heaven must be like Spring and Summer all the time !

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Past

I've discovered how to use the scanner. I think it's something Bart has kept from me for years, knowing how many pictures I have and the hours I could spend scanning and putting pictures on line; but I know now, so look out. What started it all was my high school friends Paula and Debbie. They've been scanning old pictures and putting them on the Face Book and we've been laughing ever since. So I started scanning and putting some of my old H.S photos on too. It's so funny seeing the 80's clothes and hair styles. But I thought I'd scan some adorable ones of my precious children on my blog.

Every year I would search for a Christmas Card that depicted two children in a nativity scene. I would recreate that card with a photo on the inside of the card with own children. I would literally dress them in clothes that matched the picture on card. I'd find am empty nativity at a local church or recreate one in our old barn. (like this one) I did this for about 4 years in a row. There's NO way I could convince them to do this now. One year I had the kids in angel costumes and bare feet, Amber was probably only 2 and I remember her whining and saying,"My feets are cold". But I couldn't be swayed, the picture must be taken, so quickly I got the shot and headed for the warm car. The crazy things I did back then !!

This is my favorite Santa picture ever. I have another one in a frame of Amber looking at Santa with such wonder. My kids were never afraid of Santa. The Easter Bunny- well that's a different story.

Too Cute. I think Austin thought I had the video camera, he's waving... which I probably did have rolling at the same time as I took this picture. Believe me growing up in my family you knew how to balance video and still cameras at an early age by watching my dad in action.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Married 71 years !

Seventy one years ! Most people don't get the chance to even live that long, but my sweet grandparents will be married 71 years this Christmas Eve. I've been so blessed to have my grandparents in my life. Even though my dad left Dayton U.C and decided to make Cincinnati our home, dad made sure that us kids spent time with our grandparents. Our family times with our grandparents were always filled with amazing food, fun games, conversations and plenty of love. It saddens me to see my dear little grandpa dealing with the effects of Alzheimer's disease, but the gentleness of his spirit is always there as well as a funny sense of humor. During our visit today he said if he knew we were coming he would have baked a cake. I laughed and said, "I'm glad you still have your sense of humor grandpa." With that he quickly replied, "That's about all the sense I have. " He got a big laugh for that one !!!
Grandma has never left my grandpas side since he recently passed out at their home in November. She's sleeps in a lazy boy recliner every night in his room. Grandpa was released from the hospital a couple weeks ago and put in a nursing home for rehabilitation. I know it's very difficult for them to leave their home of 30 years and be confined to a small room but they've got each other and that's what is important to them.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.
The older I get the more I appreciate the many traditions and gatherings with my family. I remember as a young girl, Thanksgiving was ALWAYS at my Grandma and Grandpa Terrell's house. Grandma made everything ( no bringing a covered dish to her house) everything always tasted so delicious. From her two dressings, celery and oyster - I think only my dad liked the oyster, to her homemade mashed potatoes and gravy, to the homemade pumpkin pie, everything was perfect. I still can see my grandpa in the kitchen carving the turkey. I still can't carve a turkey like he did. He got every piece of meat off that bird, and he did it so precisely. Yes, those memories are something I cherrish. Even though my grandparents haven't hosted Thanksgiving in over two decades, it's those memories that I love to return to today.
Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all our blessings. As a teacher, every year I always read stories of the Pilgrims journey to America and I teach my students the Pilgrims story and how they struggled that first year and yet they stopped to give thanks for what they were blessed with.
Today, even in these hard times financially, we all have so much to be thankful for. I'm thankful for my parents who were examples of a solid foundation of love and faithfulness to one another and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For my brothers, Gail and Matt and sister Deborah who live their lives with integrity and show love for their families and our God. For my husband who lives everyday to please me and his children. For Austin and Amber, who I feel so blessed to be called their mom, remind me daily of the joys and challenges of motherhood. I treasure each day with my kids, because I know time marches on so quickly and they'll be on their own soon enough.
So today when our family gathers around a great big thanksgiving meal, despite the doom and gloom in our world today, I'll be thanking God for all the blessings He's given me.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Okay, so it's been like FOREVER since I've been on my blog. Soooo much has happened since I last "blogged" on. Without a camera I haven't been real into "blogging". My gorgeous, expensive camera bit the dust. Now I'm reduced to a smaller camera. It's okay, I'm getting used to it, but I miss my old one. I think the kids use it more than me.

First off, we moved. After 8 years of living in Springdale, we moved to, what my mom thinks, is the other side of the moon. Franklin Township. It's really not that far. It's 2.8 miles East on 122, off the Middletown Exit. We love the feel of country living but not too far from the city life. Our new house is much more conducive to our life style... translation- finished basement for all of our kids "stuff". In addition the kids are loving suburban life... Community pool, basketball court, and some great neighbors.

There were many reasons for the move. One is, I got a teaching job in Springboro, that I absolutely love. Third grade at 5 points East !!! I love it. A far cry from teaching Criminals at Hillcrest. Plus we wanted to have the kids in the district where I was teaching.

Austin and Amber are adapting well to Springboro schools. Amber has so many new friends, some of which live in our subdivision. This Friday night half of the girl population at church and Springboro are coming for a sleep over at our house. UGH !!!

Austin can't wait until basketball season. He is regretting the decision to sit out for football.( July and August were just to crazy to run all over town) He's been doing agility and strength training 3 days a week at Lakota East. I can't believe he'll be in high school next year !!

Bart is struggling through this crazy economy with the sign business. The shaved ice and blended coffee are keeping us busy all the time.

As for me, well, I've once again probably bitten off more than I can chew. I've signed on for another "Landmark" Christmas play, which I think will premiere first week in December. It's Christmas in WKRP in Cincinnati. Matt Holman is Johnny Fever... isn't that a perfect role for him??? More details later.